Regular hemline V neck skater dress with 3/4 sleeves
All 6 size XL
$64.99 each
- Blue Sparkly Jewel Fabric
- Prism Holographic Spandex Fabric
- Moonstone Metallic Spandex
- Leopard Print
- Rainbow Leopard
- Peacock Blue
Hi Lo Hemline V neck skater dress with 3/4 sleeves
All 7 size XL
$76.99 each
- Platinum Metallic Stretch (hi/lo)
- Red Sparkly Jewel Fabric (hi/Lo)
- Seafoam Holographic (hi/lo)
- Pink Sparkly Jewel Fabric (hi/lo)
- Ocean Sparkle (hi/lo)
- Flashbulb Holographic (hi/lo)
- Scarab Metallic (hi/lo)